Miranda v arizona impact on society
Miranda v arizona impact on society

miranda v arizona impact on society miranda v arizona impact on society miranda v arizona impact on society

The decision was written by Chief Justice Earl Warren, who was known to be tough on crime. In a 5-4 decision, the Court found that the confessions were unconstitutional and could not be admitted, reversing the Arizona Supreme Court’s decision. The Supreme Court had to determine if the Fifth Amendment, which protects against self-incrimination, applies to the interrogation process. When the case reached the Supreme Court, Miranda’s case was combined with three other Fifth Amendment cases with similar facts. The defense appealed the case, and the Supreme Court of Arizona affirmed the judgment and stated that Miranda’s rights were not violated since he did not request counsel. The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution states that “no person shall… be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” Despite the defense’s objections, the confession was used as evidence in the trial, and the jury found Miranda guilty. However, no one ever told Miranda that he had the right to remain silent or the right to counsel. Once in interrogation, Miranda admitted to the rape and kidnapping, and then signed a written confession. Miranda was identified as the perpetrator in a police line-up. In 1963, the police took Ernesto Miranda in for questioning concerning a kidnapping and rape case.

Miranda v arizona impact on society